Sensei Tsukada Course

This year’s Sensei Tsukada course was a great success. The theme for the weekend’s training was breathing technique, body tension and the kata Tensho. After the Friday session we went for a curry in Kidderminster. The Saturday session started off with a well attended junior session. Thanks to Kellie Hood and her young students who came from wales to support the course. The first part of the main session covered Tensho kata and bunkai and the second part was an opportunity for students to request katas to cover in brief detail. We had an enjoyable meal and a few drinks in Worcester on the evening. The Sunday session mainly concentrated on breathing, kata Tensho and bunkai again but also Sensei Tsukada gave us more of an insight into the concept of ‘kime’ through ‘tame’, ‘shime’ and ‘ochi’. This year’s course wasn’t about learning new katas but about gaining a greater insight into the finer points of karate. (and gaining a few lumps, bruises and aching joints as well!) Thanks to everyone who supported the course and a big thank you to Sensei Tsukada.