Guernsey Course Report

Guernsey Sankukai Karate Club invited Calvin Collins to teach a weekend course at their dojo on 6th – 8th November.  This was an opportunity for a whole weekend training as there were no gradings due. Mick White and club members had requested instruction on a number of kata to add to their repertoire. The Friday evening session covered basic technique and attack strategies followed by Tomari Rohai kata. The Saturday morning session concentrated on Tomari Rohai and also a recap of Itosu Rohai Sandan and bunkai kumite as covered on the recent Sensei Tsukada course. The afternoon training was a weapons session, beginning with some tonfa defence techniques followed by Tenryu-no-kon bo kata and bunkai. On Saturday evening we all went for a very enjoyable curry.  The Sunday session started with pairwork utilising go-no-sen, machi-no-sen and sen-no-sen. After recapping on the katas covered over the weekend, the day finished with kata Jitte. As usual the club showed both a high technical standard and great spirit in their training that is a credit to Mick, Andy and Shaun.