Guernsey Course Report

Calvin Collins, BSKA  Chief Instructor was invited by Mick White, instructor of the Guernsey Sankukai Karate club to come to Guernsey to teach and grade students on 13th – 15th March. The busy weekend started with a Friday evening training session which concentrated on the concepts of Go-no-sen, Sen-no-sen and Machi-no-sen, followed by Itosu Rohai Sandan. The Saturday morning session training worked on Jiyu Ippon Kumite followed by Kata Ananko and bunkai. A grading was held on Saturday afternoon. All those grading passed. Well done to everyone and congratulations to Danni LeFlem and Steve Queripel on gaining  1st dan and Andy Mauger and Tom Robbiliard on gaining 2nd dan. Following the grading Calvin took Shaun Lacey for an early evening session covering the FEKO coaching syllabus. The day was rounded of with everyone going for a very enjoyable curry. Sunday started off with Shaun’s FEKO coaching assessment followed by a session covering katas requested by students. To conclude the course Shaun Lacey was awarded his Yondan – Congratulations, Shaun, well deserved! Calvin would like to thank Mick and his club for making him so welcome and congratulate Mick on running a club of such a high standard.