Course Reminder
There will be a 5th kyu and above course on 8th September at the Samurai Centre, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, DY11 7DY. 10.00am – 1.00pm.
There will be a 5th kyu and above course on 8th September at the Samurai Centre, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, DY11 7DY. 10.00am – 1.00pm.
The venues and training times have now been finalised for the 2013 Sensei Tsukada course. The Friday and Saturday sessions will be hosted by Calvin Collins at his Kidderminster club and the Sunday session hosted by Slater Williams of the JKI at …
Unfortunately, the coaching course due to take place on the 23rd June has had to be cancelled. This course will be rescheduled to take place later in the year.
The weapons course on 12th May at the Samurai, Zortech Avenue, Kidderminster, 11am -2pm will be bo and tonfa. Weapons will be provided for those who don’t have their own. For more details contact Calvin.
The BSKA 2013 AGM will take place on 21st April at The Samurai Centre, Zortech Avenue Kidderminster starting at 10am. All BSKA licenced members are welcome to attend. If any member wishes to have any subject raised at the AGM, …