Sensei Tsukada Course Report

We had another successful course this year on 16th – 18th of October with Sensei Tsukada. The Friday evening session concentrated mainly on going back to basic principles to generate speed and power of punches and kicks using ‘kime’ (generated by use of tame, shime and ochi). The session finished off with Itosu Rohai Shodan and some bunkai kumite. After the session 14 of us went for a curry and much needed liquid refreshment! The  Saturday session included a first hour session for junior members.  Over the day Sensei Tsukada covered Itosu Rohai Sandan and bunkai kumite. This continued on from last years course when we concentrated on Itosu Rohai Shodan and Nidan. The second half of the day worked on Aoyagi and bunkai kumite. Saturday evening was a chance for us all to get together for some drinks and food in Worcester. The Sunday session was again hosted this year by Slater Williams in  Redditch at his Shotokan dojo. Sensei Tsukada spent much of the session working on basic principles on generating speed and power. This was of interest to the Shotokan practitioners training, seeing the differences between their style and Shitoryu. The session concluded with Aoyagi and bunkai kumite. Thanks to everyone who trained and supported the course, some of who travelled considerable distances. And a big thank you to Sensei Tsukada for another enjoyable and informative course. See you all again next year!