Child Protection
As a member of the Federation of English Karate Organisations all of our instructors are required to follow and abide by its NSPCC endorsed Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy. If any student, parent, guardian or carer has any concerns, complaints or questions they can approach their club instructors, who will refer the matter to the BSKA Welfare Officer if necessary. Individuals may contact the Welfare Officer directly if they prefer. Our welfare officer is currently Ken Beddoe. He has many years of involvement in karate and has completed a ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ course run by Sports Coach UK.
BSKA Welfare Officer : tel. 01562 861002
Are you a child and want to talk to someone? Call ChildLine : 0800 1111
Are you an adult concerned about a child? Call NSPCC : 0808 800 5000